Institute of Magnetism

NAS of Ukraine and MES of Ukraine


Department 03

Department 03 – Physics of Meso- and Nanocrystalline Magnetic Structures


About department:

Department of Physics of Films was one of the structural subdivisions, which had formed the basis for establishing Institute of Magnetism in autumn 1995.
At present, the department have a powerful research group that consists of five doctors of sciences (including four professors), seven candidates of sciences (including four associate professors and senior research scientist) and seven young researchers.
Among the priority directions of Institute, the scientists of the department work in a wide spectrum of tasks:
- spintronics;
- magneto-optical phenomena;
- physics of processes on the metal-liquid interface;
- magnetoelectrochemistry;
- biology, ecology;
- influence of aftereffects and electromagnetic field on the structural and transport characteristics of functional elements of nanoelectronics.
The new direction started in the department is a methodological work on developing principles for stimulating the evolution of science at universities.


Department news

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