Institute of Magnetism

NAS of Ukraine and MES of Ukraine


Laboratory for Shared Usage

Laboratory for Shared Usage

Atomic Force / Magnetic Force Microscopy
NT-MDT Solver PRO 47 - M


Specifications [pdf]


Scientific research
Solver PRO-m.
Solver is designed by the NT-MDT SI team.
Solver is equipped with a professional 100 micron CL (closed loop XYZ) piezotube scanner with low noise capacitance sensors. Capacitance sensors in comparison with strain gauge and optical sensors have lower noise and higher speed in the feedback signal. The CL scanner is controlled by a professional workstation and software.
These capabilities enable all of the basic AFM techniques in compact SPM design.
Because the Solver can be employed in diverse areas of research as AFM tool, several research examples are shown below:
1. The study of atomic structures
2. Study of metallic nanostructures
3. The study of magnetic structures
4. Research of polymeric objects
5. Research of biological objects
6. Research on carbon nanomaterials


Available SPM modes

Contact AFM


Electrostatic Force Mikroscopy


AFM Spectroscopies


STM techniques



  • Constant Height mode
  • Constant Force mode
  • Lateral Force Imaging
  • Spreading Resistance Imaging
  • Force Modulation Microscopy
  • Amplitude modulation AFM,
    Attractive & Repulsive regimes
  • Relief Imaging
  • Phase Imaging mode


  • Scanning Capacitance Force Microscopy
  • Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
  • Magnetic Force Microscopy


  • Force-distance curves
  • Adhesion Force imaging
  • Amplitude-distance curves
  • Phase-distance curves
  • Frequency-distance curves
  • Full-resonance Spectroscopy


  • Constant Current mode
  • Constant Height mode
  • Barrier Height imaging
  • Density of States imaging
  • I(z) Spectroscopy
  • I(V) Spectroscopy


  • АAFM Oxidation Lithography
  • STM Lithography
  • AFM Lithography - Scratching
  • AFM Lithography - Dynamic Plowing


Measuring in the magnetic field

Measurements in a magnetic field make it possible to observe magnetization reversal processes and other effects depending on the magnetic field. Instruments manufactured by NT-MDT SI allow measurements in a magnetic field along the surface of the sample. The magnetic field strength is monitored by a built-in Hall sensor.

Local magnetization measuring in the very small objects is one of the most promising field in the nanotechnology investigations. Investigation of ultra thin magnetic films will make possible the tenfold increase of capacity of storage devices; spintronics elements will lead to the development of fundamentally new computes, which “read/write/save” processes will be carried out on one single chip, magnetostriction may be useful for construction of nanoelectronic devices.

Magnetic-force microscopy (MFM) allows visualizing and manipulating the magnetization with resolution of tens of nanometer.

SPM features, that have the most importance for the work with magnetic samples:
• High sensitivity of measurements for the samples light magnetic interaction
• Proper choice of the probe
• Possibility of imposing external magnetic field (in-plain)
Scanner without any magnetic parts, a special device, which measuring head and base unit are made of non-magnetic materials that allows avoiding the shift of the probe while switching on/off the magnetic field. The scanner is equipped with close loop control sensors that correct the shift of piezoceramics and provide exclusively precise positioning of the probe. Beside that, Solver-PRO has a capability of applying the external magnetic field up to +/-0.2 Т in-plane the surface.
The generator of the in-plane magnetic field serves for the creation of magnetic field orientated in the flat of the sample. It consists of exciting coil with magnetic wires. For measuring the value of the magnetic field at one of the poles of the wires, there is a Hall detector with scale range up to 2 kgauss.



Sergii Cherepov
e-mail: cherepov at

©2025 Institute of Magnetism NAS of Ukraine and MES of Ukraine. 03142, 36-b Akad. Vernadskogo blvd., Kyiv, Ukraine
