Institute of Magnetism

NAS of Ukraine and MES of Ukraine


Department 03 / Staff



Viktoriia Khist

Senior research scientist
Department of physics of mezo- and nanocrystalline magnetic structures (03)

Contact Information:

Institute of Magnetism
03142 Acad. Vernadskogo 36-b blvd, Kyiv, Ukraine 
e-mail: _____ at ________________
tel .: +380 44 424 10 20
fax:  +380 44 424 10 20

Primary Scientific Interests

• surface effects in ferroelectrics, multiferroics, their local properties and domain structure, interfaces effects, flexoelectricity
• theoretical study of the phase diagram of nanomaterials, namely films , nanoparticles and the calculation of magnetic and ferroelectric properties absent in bulk materials

Current research activity

• Theoretical studies of the influence of the magnetoelectric effect on the physical properties of nanosized ferroics and multiferiodics.
• The study of the influence of dimensional effects and external fields on the magnetoelectric coupling coefficients, dielectric, magnetic, and magnetoelectric are susceptible to nanoparticles.
• Study of the influence of deformations of discrepancies on the magnetoelectric coupling in thin films of ferroics, their phase diagrams, including the emergence of new phases absent in bulk material.

Selected publications

1. Anna N Morozovska, Victoria V Khist, Maya D Glinchuk, Christian M Scherbakov, Maxim V Silibin, Dmitry V Karpinsky, Eugene A Eliseev, Flexoelectricity induced spatially modulated phases in ferroics and liquid crystals, Journal of Molecular Liquids 052.01.2018.
2. Eugene A Eliseev, Victoria V Khist, Yevhen M Fomichov, Maxim V Silibin, George S Svechnikov, Andrei L Kholkin, Dmitry V Karpinsky, Vladimir V Shvartsman, Anna N Morozovska, Fixed volume effect on polar properties and phase diagrams of ferroelectric semi-ellipsoidal nanoparticles, The European Physical Journal B 91, 7, 150 (2018). 
3. Victoria V Khist, Eugene A Eliseev, Maya D Glinchuk, Maxim V Silibin, Dmitry V Karpinsky, Anna N Morozovska. Size effects of ferroelectric and magnetoelectric properties of semi-ellipsoidal bismuth ferrite nanoparticles, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 714, 303-310 (2017).
4. Anna N Morozovska, Victoria V Khist, Maya D Glinchuk, Venkatraman Gopalan, Eugene A Eliseev. Linear antiferrodistortive-antiferromagnetic effect in multiferroics: Physical manifestations, Physical Review B 92, 054421 (2015). 
5. EA Eliseev, MD Glinchuk, V Khist, VV Skorokhod, R Blinc, AN Morozovska. Linear magnetoelectric coupling and ferroelectricity induced by the flexomagnetic effect in ferroics, Physical Review B 84, 174112 (2011). 



• 2012-2014 – Prize of the President of Ukraine for young scientists.
• 2016 – Award of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to the most talented young scientists in the field of fundamental and applied researches and scientific and technical developments.
• 2017 - Participation Grant of "Graphene-on-ferroelectricity for the latest cells of nonvolatile memory and sensitive sensors".








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©2025 Institute of Magnetism NAS of Ukraine and MES of Ukraine. 03142, 36-b Akad. Vernadskogo blvd., Kyiv, Ukraine
