Institute of Magnetism

NAS of Ukraine and MES of Ukraine


Department 03 / Staff


Iryna Sharaii

Senior research scientist
Department of Physics of Meso- and Nanocrystalline Magnetic Structures(03)

Contact Information:

Institute of Magnetism
03142 Acad. Vernadskogo 36-b blvd, Kyiv, Ukraine
e-mail: ira-sharay at
tel .: +380 44 424 10 20
fax: +380 44 424 10 20


Primary Scientific Interests

Theoretical and experimental investigations in the field of nanomaterials:
• study of nanostructures and nanomaterials;
• analysis of physical models and experimental studies of characteristics and properties of nanostructures;
• study of the influence of structural inhomogeneities on magnetic, magneto-optical and electrical characteristics of thin films and fine-dispersed materials.


Current research activity

  • Magnetic and magneto-optical properties of nanoparticles.
  • Magnetic Force Microscopy of nanostructured and composite materials.

Selected publications

1. Shaposhnikov A.N. Modification of Bi:YIG film properties by substrate surface ion pre-treatment / A.N.Shaposhnikov, A.R. Prokopov, A.V. Karavainikov, V.N. Berzhansky, T.V. Mikhailova, V.A. Kotov, D.E. Balabanov, I.V. Sharay, O.Y. Salyuk, M. Vasiliev, V.O. Golub // Materials Research Bulletin. – 2014. – vol.55. – P. 19–25.

2. Shaposhnikov A.N. Surface Properties of Nanoscale Iron Garnet Films / T.B. Kosykh, A.S. Prosyakov, A.P. Pyatakov, A.N. Shaposhnikov, A.R. Prokopov, I.V. Sharay // Solid State Phenomena. – 2015. – Vols. 233-234. – P. 678-681.

3. M.M. Krupa. Magnetic field sensors based on the foil of amorphous cobalt alloy and NiMnGa martensite single-crystals / Yu.B. Skirta, I.V. Gerasimchuk, I.V. Sharay // Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. – 2017.–V.264.– P.165-171.

4. Ignatyeva T.A. Perspectives of constant gradient magnetic fields applications in biotechnology / T.A. Ignatyeva, V.N. Voyevodin, A.N. Goltsev, V.V. Kiroshka, A.M. Bovda, V.V. Kalynovskii, A.N. Velikodny, P.A. Kutsenko, V.О. Golub, Yu.І. Dzhedzheria, I.V. Sharai // American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. – 2014. – vol.2. – №6. – P. 72-77.


  • 2011 Diploma for the best poster report among young scientists at the International conference "ICFM-2013" (Partenit, Crimea).
  • 2009–2010 Fellowship of Presidium NAS of Ukraine for young scientists
©2025 Institute of Magnetism NAS of Ukraine and MES of Ukraine. 03142, 36-b Akad. Vernadskogo blvd., Kyiv, Ukraine
