Institute of Magnetism

NAS of Ukraine and MES of Ukraine


Department 02 / Staff



Dmytro Polishchuk

Senior research scientist
Department of physics of films (02)

Contact Information:

Institute of Magnetism
03142 Acad. Vernadskogo 36-b blvd, Kyiv, Ukraine 
e-mail: dpol at
tel .: +380 44 424 90 95
fax:  +380 44 424 10 20

Primary Scientific Interests

  • Magnetism of nanoscale systems. Spintronics.

  • Spin dynamics in magnetic nanostructures.

  • Spin-thermionics and magnetocaloric properties of transition-metal nanostructures.


Current research activity

  • Design and fabrication of nanomaterials with desired thermo-magnetic and spin-transport properties.

  • Engineering and experimental characterization of magnetic nanodevices.

  • Ferromagnetic resonance in nanostructured and composite materials.

  • Computer simulations: ferromagnetic resonance, magnetic hysteresis, finite element method, etc.


Selected publications

  1. D.M. Polishchuk, Yu. O. Tykhonenko-Polishchuk, A. F. Kravets and V. Korenivski, Thermal switching of indirect interlayer exchange in magnetic multilayers, EPL (Europhysics Letters) 118, 37006 (2017). 

  2. A.F. Kravets, D. M. Polishchuk, Yu. I. Dzhezherya et al. Anisotropic magnetization relaxation in ferromagnetic multilayers with variable interlayer exchange coupling. Phys. Rev. B 94, 064429 (2016).

  3. A.F. Kravets, A. I. Tovstolytkin, Yu. I. Dzhezherya, D. M. Polishchuk et al. Spin dynamics in a Curie-switch, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 27, 446003 (2015).

  4. K. Arora, B. J. O'Dowd, D. M. Polishchuk et al. Observation of out-of-plane unidirectional anisotropy in MgO-capped planar nanowire arrays of Fe, J. Appl. Phys. 114, 133903 (2013). 

  5. D.M. Polishchuk, A. I. Tovstolytkin, E. Fertman et al. Structural first-order transformation in La2/3Ba1/3MnO3: ESR study, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 324, 4225 (2012).



  • 2014 – Prize of the President of Ukraine for young scientists.

  • 2014-2016 – Scholarship of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for young scientists.

  • 2013 – Participation Grant of FP7 Nanotwinning project in the 2nd International Summer School for young scientists "NANO-2013" (Bukovel, Ukraine).

  • 2012-2013 – Fellowship of Zavtra.UA scholarship program for talented students by the Victor Pinchuk foundation.

  • 2012 – Diploma for the best oral report among young scientists at the International conference “CMMT-2012” (Kyiv, Ukraine).






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